The National Coastal Zone Management Program

Federal Consistency
Gives states a strong voice in federal decisions that they otherwise would not have

Coastal Zone Enhancement
Provides incentives to states and territories to enhance their coastal management programs within nine areas of national significance

Nonpoint Pollution Control
Ensures that participating states have the necessary tools to prevent and control polluted runoff
The National Coastal Zone Management Program comprehensively addresses the nation’s coastal issues through a voluntary partnership between the federal government and coastal and Great Lakes states and territories. Authorized by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, the program provides the basis for protecting, restoring, and responsibly developing our nation’s diverse coastal communities and resources.
Currently 34 coastal states participate. While state partners must follow basic requirements, the program also gives states the flexibility to design unique programs that best address their coastal challenges and regulations. By leveraging both federal and state expertise and resources, the program strengthens the capabilities of each to address coastal issues.
Major components of the national program include federal consistency, program enhancements, and nonpoint pollution control.
For more information, contact us.
Helpful Resources for Coastal Managers