Dabob Bay, Washington
Applying for a Land Conservation Grant
Starting in 2022, as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, NOAA will receive nearly $3 billion in funding over five years. A portion of these funds will be distributed under the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) authority to fund land conservation projects proposed by state coastal zone management programs and national estuarine research reserves. Competition details can be found here.
While specific requirements for these grants are not known at this time, the following list represents the information requirements often associated with a land acquisition project.
- Project description, including details of the properties to be purchased or used as an in-kind match
- Project budget and narrative, including justification of proposed costs, the use of the federal funds, and how the nonfederal match will be met
- Application checklist
- Site and regional maps
- Appraisal that meets standards as described in the funding notice
- Survey
- Evidence of title (e.g., an attorney title opinion or property report from a title insurance company)
- Contract for purchase, sale, or option agreement
- Documentation of willing seller
- Copy of draft deed or conservation easement containing the required deed-restriction language
- Documentation of federal consistency review (or documentation that the state has waived review of CELCP projects)
For more information, contact us.