Green Infrastructure Effectiveness Database

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Search this online database for information on green infrastructure, which includes natural infrastructure and nature-based solutions, and the

  • effectiveness of green infrastructure in reducing the impacts of coastal hazards (e.g., flooding) and
  • economics of green infrastructure (e.g., cost-benefit analyses).

The database contains both peer-reviewed articles and gray literature and provides information on 12 coastal green infrastructure types. The green infrastructure types referenced cover a full range of approaches, including natural (e.g., wetlands, coral reefs) and nature-based (e.g., living shorelines, bioretention).

This Database Features

  • Literature on the effectiveness and economics of green infrastructure for coastal resilience
  • The ability to filter by hazard, green infrastructure type, method (e.g., field measurement, modeling, economic analysis), peer-reviewed or gray literature, and geography
  • A summary for each entry with key findings, measures of hazard mitigation effectiveness, measures of co-benefits, and other helpful information
  • Direct links to resources and the ability to share search results

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